Shalom Chaverim!

The LSESU Israel Society is the natural home of all Israeli and Israel-curious students at LSE. We are a national, cultural and political society that celebrate all things Israel as well as encouraging serious and critical debate about the Arab-Israeli conflict. We believe in building bridges, primarily through creating dialogue that can encompasses a range of opinions, be it those with a passionate involvement in the region, or those who are simply eager to know more. This blog will serve as the logical step forwards in aiming to achieve such cooperation both from within Houghton Street and beyond. Shalom Alechem, Salaam Alaikum...Welcome!

Monday 20 February 2012

LSESU Israel Society Statement on "Apartheid" Week events.

LSESU Israel Society Statement
20th February 2012

LSESU Israel Society condemns all violence that was seen today. Jewish students were attacked by Palestine Society protestors in response to water balloons thrown at their mock "wall".

This “wall” was erected on Houghton Street during an 'Israel Apartheid Week' demonstration, which was the LSESU Palestine Society’s interpretation of an Israeli checkpoint. The situation was intimidating for Jewish students as they held oversized guns, called Jewish students 'Israelis' as they walked through and the protests further angered students who have been directly affected by the conflict.

As a counter protest, some Jewish students threw water balloons at the wall. They did not intend for these to hit any students and apologise on their own behalf if they did.

The students who threw water balloons were not part of an official LSESU Israel Society protest Their actions were not sanctioned by the society. 

In response to this, Jewish students were rushed at and attacked by Palestine Society demonstrators, leaving one Jewish student injured. 

Provocative acts instigated by the Palestine Society today only serve to fuel tensions on campus. Dragging women kicking and screaming along the floor, as the Palestine Society simulated, is not an accurate description of reality; rather it is a disgusting simplification of a complex situation for both sides.

Events such as these only leave Jewish and Israeli students feeling targeted and intimidated on campus. Campus should be a safe space for all students and thus no physical force of any kind should not be tolerated.

The LSESU Israel Society is hosting three events this week, we encourage students to come and engage in constructive dialogue instead of symbolic gesturing that harms students' welfare.

We also call on the School and the LSESU to restore calm to campus and encourage dialogue. We look forward to a full apology for the provocative nature of today's event and the physical actions which followed from certain members of the Palestine society.


  1. Animals - they always try to provoke

  2. You won't get an apology . You need to understand that the organisations you are up against hate your guts . You need to understand that Israels war is your war too . The idea that you can reach out to these people , to placate them by wearing Israel /Palestine T shirts or by displaying Palestinian flags is risible . When you cancel Israeli speakers such as Benny Morris at the behest of the Palestinian society do not expect some sort of reciprocal arrangement . They will still invite their Islamist extremists to preach hate and the dismantlement of Israel . You need to leave your nice middle class North London Jewish instincts behind in order to play on a level playing field . You can start by distancing yourselves from Yachad . Whether by design or naivety they help facilitate the Palestinian cause on campus . Wise up and start to advocate for Israel instead of appeasing the enemy .
    I trust the attack has been reported to the police . Press charges .
    I've been through it having been attacked by Carole Swords , chair of Respect , while helping tesco staff identify bds activists looking to vandalise Israeli products . She was found guilty of disorderly conduct and given a conditional discharge .
    You must do the same . Try to get them suspended or better still slung out the college .
    It's time to take off the gloves and get down and dirty with these bastards .

  3. Harvey's right. We will help you.

    They have tried to provoke me and get me arrested for 2 years, first at the Ahava counter-demos now at the Natural History Museum. That is the way they operate - ask Kaseem Hafeez. The most important thing is to resist them, speak up, give out information to counter the lies. Stay strong. As Norman Finkelstein said - they are just a cult and have had few if any successes.

    Jonathan Hoffman

  4. the comments above are laughable....victim mentality yet again...tut tut.

  5. Norman Finkelstein also says that Israel commits crimes of torture and brutalisation against the Palestinians. Just saying...

  6. Throwing water bombs - fantastic debate. Oh, and hitting people with them in the process - assault. As for violations of the right to protest...wake up, we live in democracy, you don't have a right not be offended.

  7. Balloons with water in them are nothing comopared with the bombs the terrorists throw at Israelis, stop whingeing

  8. I love it how the people having a go at the people who throw waterbombs aren't even mentioning the retaliation that followed which looked incredibly violent, even when compared to the water bombs.

    Water bombs should never have been thrown, but stopping Jewish students from entering the building and calling them all Israelis is racial harrassment, which is NOT OK, even more so in a democracy.

    We have every right to be offended, based on the above. Sadly, PalSoc are more than happy to be aggressive and upset Jewish students instead of doing something a lot more constructive, such as setting up a discussion group where people can voice their opinions. We did it at Manchester and so can you.

    As for the reasons behind the protest, take a look at this: If Israel really was apartheid, they wouldn't be getting top medical treatment at a hospital like Haddasah, which, by the way, is a fantastic place. I've been there.

  9. Also, when the guy tries to explain how Israelis/Jews on campus feel about seeing this when they may have lost friends or relatives to Palestinian terror attacks, he is shouted and sworn at. That is also offensive.

    PalSoc are an abhorrant group who are completely useless (except for stirring up tension. They're very good at that), and if anything are harmful to the Palestinian cause.
